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About Sand Reckoner

Originally built for the Discord Activity App Pitches contest. I decided to throw it up on s&box since I'm getting tired of sitting on it. They're taking forever to make activities generally available, and frankly I like s&box as a platform more.

Ultimately it's just a prototype. It uses some (maybe) novel optimizations to speed up the simulation, but these optimizations also constrain what's possible.

Sadly it's also a webpanel game that uses it's own relay to connect players. I'd vastly prefer not to do it this way but I'm not sure I'll work up the gumption to re-write the entire thing, and I'm not even sure it would perform as well -- the WebAssembly build is surprisingly competitive with native.

I'd like to add a lot more functionality and make a proper game out of it, but I'm not sure I'll find the time.

Sand Reckoner

A fast multiplayer sand simulator.

Global Players
Global Sessions
Global Time Played
18 hours
Global Average Session
2 minutes
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