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Sausage Survivors Reviews

simple and fun!
7 Days Ago
Nice, fun to play. Dash UI is a bit hard to find.
12 Days Ago
18 Days Ago
Game starts off great and is super addictive, then falls off a cliff with the end boss. It becomes too intense too quickly, enemies zerg rush you from all over all at once and too many enemy bullets going everywhere. Definitely needs way more polish, this is far, FAR from being a finished product and it is nearly impossible to complete without growing a neckbeard and gaining some extra sweaty rolls. No one wants to become an average Reddit moderator just to finish this game. Fix your difficulty curve. Oh, and the powerup menu isn't optimized for ultrawide. Allow us to pause the game to check out the powerups, you need to let the player breathe for a few minutes. Get some Valve game design principles in there and you're golden. For now, this game is a 2/10.
19 Days Ago
Pretty good
21 Days Ago
Recommend from Russia
21 Days Ago
this game is too hard please fix
24 Days Ago
Such a wonderful game.
24 Days Ago
Its a very good game!!! Recommend from RUSSIA!!! ?? ????????!!!!
25 Days Ago
Very promising concept, but there is a strange tendency to just skip a half a second at a time and essentially teleport me into a group of monsters and force me to take damage while trying to get out of the group, which can easily kill runs regardless of skill, and really ruins the game for me. If this is because of lag spikes, then the lag spikes are not due to lack of hardware power, as my pc should be far stronger than this game needs to run. The upgrade options also feel kinda meh, since so many of them require you to make significant sacrifices to get buffs that are often not worth the sacrifice. The hitboxes on the head popping out of the ground attacks feel kinda cheap to me, since just walking away from where they are does not work, requiring dodging out of the way, but, later in the game, there are typically so many that you can't possibly dodge often enough to escape.
35 Days Ago
Great game. Would like to see the game pause when choosing perks and have the menu in the center of the screen. Great job keep it up!!
39 Days Ago
is it only me or it lags a lot?
42 Days Ago
medkit should last a bit longer on the floor. otherwise 10/10 yet for me !
45 Days Ago
never felt more accomplished in my life after beating this 10/10 wish there was a new game+
46 Days Ago
add a mode you unlock when you beat the game where pressing certain keys gives you perks like instant level up or invincibility, it'd be neat to see how people can push the limit of the game
Bring back the multiplayer
49 Days Ago
I've made a new record 16m 21s, will it go into the leaderboard? Awesome mini-game. Much harder than vampire survivors and especially without knowledge which items to collect to get the highest damage
49 Days Ago
This cured me of all ailments, Thank you Sausage Survivors
49 Days Ago
Honesly the best game in s&box.
51 Days Ago
51 Days Ago
After some time it will teleport you into a LARGE group of enemies ending your run... It's a terrible bug, please fix!
51 Days Ago
I miss the menu music
51 Days Ago
i loved it
51 Days Ago
A classic