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Here are the player entries for this stat, summed and ordered descending. We'll make this a bit more dynamic in the future, letting you filter by date, re-order and page.
User When Value
Carson Last Week 25.0453275218606
somewhere_in_the_universe This Month 3.60283787176013
WhyBird This Month 2.9442342817783356
alex Last Month 2.798042170703411
Jase Last Month 1.9665188938379288
Pol Last Month 1.8994685262441635
trende Last Month 1.796736093237996
matek Last Month 1.7226108461618423
Jammie This Month 1.6314348950982094
saito Yesterday 1.3578540198504925
incel poop Last Month 1.1467724442481995
Eternal Eclipse Last Month 0.9388391338288784
Meccanizer Last Month 0.8181818127632141
Joris Last Month 0.8052222579717636
eXodos This Month 0.710687167942524
Yuberee Last Month 0.7093672659248114
Just Harry Last Month 0.6763689629733562
Andiq Last Month 0.6208947198465466
zeroxoneafour Today 0.6010806858539581
tytimp4_ This Month 0.5685639530420303