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About Sandbank

The fast, easy database for s&box! Store any kind of data you want. Load and save in a single line of code.


_myPlayerData = new PlayerData();
_myPlayerData.Health = 100;
_myPlayerData.Name = "Bob";

// Insert.
Sandbank.Insert("players", _myPlayerData);

// Fetch.
var playerWith100Health = Sandbank.SelectOne<PlayerData>("players", x => x.Health == 100);

// Delete.
Sandbank.DeleteWithID<PlayerData>("players", playerWith100Health.UID);

Tell Me More

Sandbank is a local data store and doesn't upload/sync anything over the internet (yet).

I'm thinking of eventually creating an online service that does this, letting you do things like sync data across multiple servers etc. But I will probably leave that until there's actual demand for that kind of thing (So let me know!).

If you're making a game that involves saving stuff, I'd be super grateful if you could give this a try and let me know which parts of it suck and which parts don't suck. That way I can actually make it useful for people to use 👍


The library is free for personal and commercial use. By continuing to use the software you agree to the licence included with the code.

Sandbank Database

The fast, easy database.

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